Welcome to the DBB Morticer website

The DBB Morticer, manufactured by Souber Tools, produces a perfect lock recess every time. It is a genuine 5 minute morticer which is acclaimed by locksmiths and builders alike. For anyone who regularly fits mortice locks it will prove invaluable - an accurate, speedy and professional tool that will save time and money.

Please read through our website, at your leisure, and experience the DBB Morticer and what it can achieve for your business.

Features of the DBB Morticer

1. Cuts a mortice for the body and for the face plate.
2. Fast and accurate on doors from 30mm - 85mm thick
3. Can cut door hinges and also some strike plates and electric releases.
4. includes faster carbide cutters for wood morticing.
5. Uses vertical guides, height and depth stops to ensure you do not overrun the cut area.
6. Wide range of accessories and special attachments.
7. All parts are replaceable.
8. Robust construction and precision manufacture.
9. Supplied complete with operating manual and plastic carry case.
10. Plunging cutters now available.

Benefits of the DBB Morticer
1. Saves time and money
2. Increases accuracy and speed of mortice cutting
3. Can be used on wooden or (with special cutters) aluminium doors
4. The self-centring jig cuts marking-up time.
5. Only requires a power drill to work
6. Dependable and reliable
7. All parts are replaceable

Description of Kit/Part Order Ref.

Standard Morticer complete with
• three (3) carbide wood cutters
• plastic carrying case
• Instruction Manual
• Standard shaft (for locks up to 100mm)

Offset Morticer complete with;
• three (3) carbide wood cutters
• plastic carrying case
• Instruction Manual
• Standard shaft (for locks up to 100mm)








Morticer in operation

Those who have used it have become converts. It is a convenient method of door joinery and many users have endorsed our product with their comments;

" ... one of my better purchases for the toolbox, and one I couldn’t do without"
Jack White, Master Locksmith,
Herne Bay, Kent, U.K.

"This tool makes life much easier"
Carroll Mann, Manton Security, Kowloon.

"This morticer, is reasonably priced and must be an indispensable tool for all lockfitters"
'Security Retailer' magazine.

"Makes the work process smooth, saves time and money"
Tung Fat Ho Building Materials, Hong Kong.

" ... it leaves nothing to chance, when I use it I know It will give me a perfect result"
Paul Etheridge, Master Locksmith, London, U.K